Short History
Patrons of Mylo’s Grill ask with great frequency where or who Mylo’s
identity; so here goes…. Head Chef Damon and son Christos last name
is Mylonas. Now the name Mylo is a Mill used for grinding wheat and other
crops. (Which should be noted to any sales calls…. Mr. Mylo is almost
never available…..). The Mylonas family name stems from their native
country of Cyprus. Translated to English the name means Miller. To this
day the family’s natural water running mill going back hundreds
of years is still there.
In March of 2010, Head Chef Damon Mylonas and son Chris opened the doors
at Mylo’s Grill in Mclean, VA. Father and son combined, have over
sixty years of restaurant experience, twenty of which spent working together
helping establish other local restaurants. With the help of their friendly
and knowledgeable staff, they are serving Mclean and the greater Washington
area to some marvelous dishes. It is the owners’ belief that the
success of any great restaurant relies on providing the freshest ingredients,
carefully prepared food and warm service. Mylo’s delivers all three
in a neighborhood setting where customers truly become friends.